Acupuncture is the practice of inserting hair-thin needles into strategic points on the body to assist in overcoming pain, restriction, and illness. There are many different styles of acupuncture that entail different techniques and likely different mechanisms. In general, the healing power of acupuncture involves removing obstructions from within the body so that it can function with greater ease and fluidity.
How does it Work?
Although the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating a multitude of conditions has been clearly demonstrated, we don’t know with certainty its mechanism of action. Modern research has suggested several theories, one of the most exciting of which involves the interaction between acupuncture needles and the connective tissue network. By accessing and manipulating the connective tissue, cell-mediated changes can occur both locally and throughout the body. It has also been shown that many acupuncture points exist at neurovascular nodes, concentrated areas of blood vessels and sensory nerve fibers, both of which may be involved in signal transmission from the point of needle insertion. Additionally, acupuncture has been shown to trigger the release of endorphins from the brain, which results in pain relief. Ongoing acupuncture studies continue to examine what happens in the body when needles are inserted and why certain points are more helpful for specific conditions.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Many people feel nervous the first time they receive acupuncture, because they have a negative association with needles. They quickly find that acupuncture needles are very different than the hypodermic needles used to for injections or drawing blood. Acupuncture needles are tiny and are rarely painful when inserted. Once the needle is in, you may feel a slight aching sensation, tingling, spreading, or perhaps no sensation at all. Most people find acupuncture treatments to be relaxing and rejuvenating. Children and pets can receive acupuncture without difficulty.
How does it Work?
Although the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating a multitude of conditions has been clearly demonstrated, we don’t know with certainty its mechanism of action. Modern research has suggested several theories, one of the most exciting of which involves the interaction between acupuncture needles and the connective tissue network. By accessing and manipulating the connective tissue, cell-mediated changes can occur both locally and throughout the body. It has also been shown that many acupuncture points exist at neurovascular nodes, concentrated areas of blood vessels and sensory nerve fibers, both of which may be involved in signal transmission from the point of needle insertion. Additionally, acupuncture has been shown to trigger the release of endorphins from the brain, which results in pain relief. Ongoing acupuncture studies continue to examine what happens in the body when needles are inserted and why certain points are more helpful for specific conditions.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Many people feel nervous the first time they receive acupuncture, because they have a negative association with needles. They quickly find that acupuncture needles are very different than the hypodermic needles used to for injections or drawing blood. Acupuncture needles are tiny and are rarely painful when inserted. Once the needle is in, you may feel a slight aching sensation, tingling, spreading, or perhaps no sensation at all. Most people find acupuncture treatments to be relaxing and rejuvenating. Children and pets can receive acupuncture without difficulty.